
K. van Berkel, ‘Landschap, natuur en nationale identiteit. Ter Inleiding’, in: K. van Berkel, Landschap, natuur en nationale identiteit. Themanr. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2006.

Sylvie Crowe en Mary Mitchell, The Pattern of Landscape, Funtington, 1988.

Umberto Eco, Travels in Hyperreality, Verenigde Staten van Amerika, 1990.

Robert E. Grese, 'The Prairie Gardens of O.C. Simonds and Jens Jensen’ in: Therese O'Malley, Marc Treib (red), Regional Garden Design in the United States. Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture 15.

Hayden Herrera, Listening to Stone. The art of life of Isamu Noguchi. London 2015.

Susan Herrington, On Landscapes, Abingdon 2009.

Alison B. Hirsch, The Fate of Lawrence Halprin's Public Spaces: Three Case Studies, graduation theses University of Pennsylvania, 2005.

Jens Jensen, Writings Inspired by Nature, edited by William H. Tishler, 2012.

Eric Kaufmann, Oliver Zimmer, In Search of the Authentic Nation: Landscape and National Identity in Canada and Switzerland, in: Nations and Nationalism 4 (1998) 4, pp. 483-510.

Allan Pollok-Morris, Close. Landscape Design and Land Art in Scotland, Tetbury 2010.

D.J. Nadenicek, ‘Emerson's Aesthetic and Natural Design: A Theoretical Foundation for the Work of Cleveland’, in J. Wolschke-Bulmahn (red), Nature and Ideology: Natural Garden Design in the Twentieth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture 18, Washington, D.C., 1997.

Simon Schama, Landschap en herinnering, Amsterdam 2007.

Paul Simson-Housley (red), A few acres of snow, literary and artistic images of Canada, Toronto 1992.

Marie-Thèrése van Thoor, Het gebouw van Nederland. Nederlandse paviljoens op de wereldtentoonstellingen 1910-1958, Zutphen 1998.

Marc Treib, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, Philadelphia 2002.

Marc Treib, Settings and Stray Paths, Writings on Landscapes and Gardens, Oxford 2005.

Marc Treib, ‘From the Garden: Lawrence Halprin and the Modern Landscape’, in: Landscape Journal 31 (2012) 1/2, pp. 5-28.

Rossana Vaccarino (red), Roberto Burle Marx: Landscapes Reflected, Landscape Views 3, New York 2000.

Udo Weilacher, Made in Switzerland. Swiss Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century. Essay for the exhibition "The Swiss Touch in Landscape Architecture", Lausanne 2012.

Anne Whiston Spirn, The Language of Landscape, New Haven 1998.


● Stig Andersson
● Lodewijk Baljon
● Steven Delva
● Mark Hendriks
● Erik de Jong
● Harro de Jong
● Jan Maas

● Lisa Diedrich
● Wouter Reh
● Nico Tillie
● Marc Treib
● Günther Vogt
● Saskia de Wit


( i ) Lezing Günther Vogt, ‘Landscape as an Attitude’, Londen, 22 november 2013.
( ii ) The New Landscape Declaration: A Summit on Landscape Architecture and the Future, 10/11 juni 2016, University of Pennsylvania.
( iii ) Herrington 2009, p. 6.
( iv ) Herrington 2009, p. 7.
( v ) Anne Whiston Spirn, The Language of Landscape, New Haven 1998.
( vi ) Gesprek Erik de Jong, Overveen, 5 augustus 2017.
( vii ) Pollok-Morris 2010, p. 266.
( viii ) De focus van dit hoofdstuk ligt op de relatief nabije geschiedenis – de 20ste eeuw – en op de westerse wereld. Die keuze is enerzijds gemaakt voor de nodige afbakening, maar ook vanuit het idee dat deze periode voor de meeste lezers herkenbare maatschappelijke constellaties en culturele denkkaders (opkomende industrialisatie, aandacht voor natuurbehoud, verstedelijking enz.) biedt.
( ix ) Eric Kaufmann, Oliver Zimmer, In Search of the Authentic Nation: Landscape and National Identity in Canada and Switzerland, in: Nations and Nationalism 4 (1998) 4, pp. 483-510.
( x ) K. van Berkel, ‘Landschap, natuur en nationale identiteit. Ter Inleiding’, in: K. van Berkel, Landschap, natuur en nationale identiteit. Themanr. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2006, p. 599.
( xi ) Udo Weilacher, ‘Made in Switzerland. Swiss Landscape Architecture in the 20th Century’. Essay for the exhibition "the swiss touch in landscape architecture", Lausanne 2012, p. 2
( xii ) Eric Kaufmann, Oliver Zimmer, In Search of the Authentic Nation: Landscape and National Identity in Canada and Switzerland, in: Nations and Nationalism, 4 (1998) 4, pp. 483-510.
( xiii ) D.J. Nadenicek, ‘Emerson's Aesthetic and Natural Design: A Theoretical Foundation for the Work of Cleveland’, in J. Wolschke-Bulmahn (red), Nature and Ideology: Natural Garden Design in the Twentieth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture 18, Washington, D.C., 1997, p. 66.
( xiv ) D.J. Nadenicek, ‘Emerson's Aesthetic and Natural Design: A Theoretical Foundation for the Work of Cleveland’, in J. Wolschke-Bulmahn (red), Nature and Ideology: Natural Garden Design in the Twentieth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture 18, Washington, D.C., 1997, p. 71.
( xv ) Jens Jensen, Writings Inspired by Nature, edited by William H. Tishler, 2012, p. 86.
( xvi ) Jens Jensen, Writings Inspired by Nature, edited by William H. Tishler, 2012, p. 86.
( xvii ) Robert E. Grese, 'The Prairie Gardens of O.C. Simonds and Jens Jensen’in: Therese O'Malley, Marc Treib (red), Regional Garden Design in the United States. Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the history of landscape architecture 15, p. 118.
( xviii ) Mariëtte Kamphuis, ‘Intermezzo Plantensociologie’, in: Fransje Hooimeijer, Marinke Steenhuis (red), Maakbaar Landschap. Nederlandse landschapsarchitectuur (1945-1970), Rotterdam 2007, pp. 122-125.
( xix ) Lulu Salto Stephensen, Garden Design in Denmark: G.N.Brandt and the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century, Chichester 2007, p. 99.
( xx ) Lulu Salto Stephensen, Garden Design in Denmark: G.N.Brandt and the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century, Chichester 2007, p. 99.
( xxi ) Rossana Vaccarino (red), Roberto Burle Marx: Landscapes Reflected, Landscape Views 3, New York 2000.
( xxii ) Rossana Vaccarino (red), Roberto Burle Marx: Landscapes Reflected, Landscape Views 3, New York 2000.
( xxiii ) Marc Treib, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, Philadelphia 2002.
( xxiv ) Marc Treib, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, Philadelphia 2002, p. 13.
( xxv ) Marc Treib, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, Philadelphia 2002, p. 18.
( xxvi ) Marc Treib, The Architecture of Landscape 1940-1960, Philadelphia 2002, p. 18.
( xxvii ) Lawrence Halprin, Notebooks from 1959 to 1971, Londen 1972, p. 322.
( xxviii ) Alison B. Hirsch, The Fate of Lawrence Halprin's Public Spaces: Three Case Studies, graduation theses University of Pennsylvania, 2005, p. 2.
( xxix ) Marc Treib, ‘From the Garden: Lawrence Halprin and the Modern Landscape’, in: Landscape Journal 31 (2012) 1/2, p. 22.
( xxx ) Alison B. Hirsch, The Fate of Lawrence Halprin's Public Spaces: Three Case Studies, graduation theses University of Pennsylvania, 2005, p. 2.
( xxxi ) Website van The Cultural Landscape Foundation, Lawrence Halprin, geraadpleegd oktober 2017.
( xxxii ) mailconversatie met Stig Andersson, juli 2017.
( xxxiii ) mailconversatie (per mail) Stig Andersson, juli 2017.
( xxxiv ) Website van The Cultural Landscape Foundation, Lawrence Halprin, geraadpleegd oktober 2017.
( xxxv ) Treib 2005, pp. 180-181.
( xxxvi ) Günther Vogt, Landscape as a Cabinet of Curiosities, Zürich 2015, p.143.
( xxxvii ) Gesprek Nico Tillie, Delft, september 2017.
( xxxviii ) Saskia de Wit, ‘The garden and the layered landscape: landscape urbanism through the lens of garden design’, in: C. Dahl, L. Diedrich, G. Lindholm, V. Vicenzotti, & N. Vogel (red), Proceedings Beyond ism: the landscape of landscape urbanism, Alnarp 2016, p. 89-99.
( xxxix ) Umberto Eco, Travels in Hyper Reality, San Diego 1986, p. 44.
( x¦ ) Sylvia Crowe, Mary Mitchell, The Pattern of Landscape, Funtington 1988, p. 7.